Poloron Syrup 60 ml
Poloron Syrup 60 ml is designed to fight and prevent deficiencies of folic acid and iron
Poloron Syrup 60 ml contains Iron polymaltose
Poloron Syrup 60 ml is effective in fighting fatigue and improving daily life functions
Poloron Syrup 60 ml is commonly prescribed to pregnant women
Poloron Syrup 60 ml is safe to be prescribed to adults and children as well
Poloron Syrup 60 ml is to be taken orally (via mouth)
Iron is one of the most important ion in the human body for it helps in the formation of the body’s red blood cells that have the important duty of transporting oxygen to different organs of the human body.Poloron Syrup 60 ml works by increasing levels of iron in patients who suffer from a lack of iron and therefore suffer many different ailments.
Poloron Syrup 60 ml can be found in two different variants;one is a tablet form and the other is a solution form which can be injected into the patient’s body either intravenously (IV) or intramuscularly (IM) and dosage is dependent on the ailment being treated.
Poloron Syrup 60 ml is safe to be prescribed/administered to pregnant women,expecting and lactating mothers.The dosage is dependent upon the patient’s iron levels and therefore,a doctor is to be consulted before taking Poloron Syrup 60 ml.
Common side effects such as stomach problems may be felt by patients but these effects tend to resolve on their own in a couple of days.Poloron Syrup 60 ml is to be kept away from the reach of children,in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight and humidity as that tends to alter certain drugs.
Poloron Syrup 60 ml can be used to treat:
- Iron deficiency
- Iron deficiency anemia
How Does Poloron Syrup 60 ml Work
Poloron Syrup 60 ml works by replenishing the iron levels and iron stores in the liver in patients who suffer from a lack of iron.Normal values of iron in a female body range from 35.5-44.9 and 38.3-48.6 in a male body.
How To Use Poloron Syrup 60 ml
It is advised to not ingest Poloron Syrup 60 ml with food as certain food items (such as dairy products,tea,coffee and cereals) tend to decrease the amount of Poloron Syrup 60 ml absorbed by the body.In certain cases where the patient is experiencing severe adverse effects due to Poloron Syrup 60 ml,the doctor may advise (in these particular cases) that the Poloron Syrup 60 ml be ingested with food.
Adult Dosage
A tablet or two is advised to be ingested with food.
Child Dosage
Dosage for children is dependent upon their weight and the level of iron deficiency faced by the patient.For infants of up to 1 years of age,the recommended dosage is 2.5-5ml per day.For children under 12 years of age,5-10ml is the recommended daily dosage whereas for children aged 12 and above the adult dosage is commonly prescribed.
Pregnancy Use And Lactation
Poloron Syrup 60 ml is safe to be prescribed/administered to pregnant women,expecting and lactating mothers.The dosage is dependent upon the patient’s iron levels and therefore,a doctor is to be consulted before taking Poloron Syrup 60 ml.
Please tell your doctor if you have a history of any of the following before using Poloron Syrup 60 ml:
- Allergic to Poloron Syrup 60 ml or any other medicine or food substance
- Iron overload (hemochromatosis)
- Lead Anemia
- Thalassemia
- Hemolytic anemia
- Megaloblastic anemia
- Repeated Blood Transfusions
Please tell your doctor about any of the following conditions before using Poloron Syrup 60 ml
- Low Iron Binding capacity
- Hepatic (liver) insufficiency
Interactions With Other Medications
Please tell your doctor about the use of the following before using Poloron Syrup 60 ml:
- Zinc
- Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
- Psychotropic drugs
Adverse Effects
Common Adverse Effects:
These tend to resolve on their own after a few days of treatment with Poloron Syrup 60 ml:
- Stomach cramps
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
Rare Adverse Effects
If these effects persist in certain patients;it is advised that those patients immediately contact their doctor.The doctor may alter dosage of Poloron Syrup 60 ml.
- Dark colored urine
- Dark colored stool
- Teeth staining
How To Cope With Some Of The Adverse Effects
- Feeling or being sick (nausea or vomiting) or diarrhoea -Avoid eating rich or spicy food. It might help to take medication after food. If you’re being sick, try drinking small, frequent sips of water. If you have diarrhoea, replenish with plenty of water or other fluids.
- Teeth Staining- can be prevented by mixing dose with fruit juice or tomato juice or just having it with a straw.
Key Facts About Poloron Syrup 60 ml
- Poloron Syrup 60 ml is safe to be prescribed to lactating and pregnant mothers under the advice of their doctor.
- Poloron Syrup 60 ml is given to patients who suffer from a deficiency of iron
- Poloron Syrup 60 ml can be take invenously or orally
- Poloron Syrup 60 ml may cause stomach problems
Yes,Poloron Syrup 60 ml is safe to be ingested with other multivitamins that have been prescribed by a physician.
Yes,It is completely safe,infact Poloron Syrup 60 ml is commonly prescribed to patients suffering from chronic kidney diseases.
#3.HOW TO STORE Poloron Syrup 60 ml?
Poloron Syrup 60 ml is to be kept away from the reach of children,in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight and humidity as that tends to alter certain drugs.
- Stomach cramps
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
These effects tend to be mild and resolve in a few days of taking Poloron Syrup 60 ml.
#5.WHAT IF I FORGET TO TAKE THE Poloron Syrup 60 ml?
If you miss a dose of the medication, make sure you take it as soon as possible on that same day. If you don’t remember you missed the dose until the next day, do not double the dose and take your medication as per schedule as that will lead to serious adverse effects. If this happens very often, try setting an alarm as a reminder.
#6.HOW IS Poloron Syrup 60 ml SUPPOSED TO BE TAKEN?
The medicine can be ingested orally (from the mouth) either with or without food and is to be taken with water to ease the medicine into the throat.Poloron Syrup 60 ml can also be administered intravenously and intramuscularly by a physician or nurse.
- Red Meat
- Sea Food
- Dark leafy greens
- Dried fruits
- Iron fortified cereals
Additional information
Type | Syrup |
Feature | 60 ml |
Unit | ml |
Formula | Iron Polymaltose |
Composition | Iron Polymaltose 50 mg / 5 ml |
Brand | Chas. A. Mendoza |
Prescription Required | No |