Calcee 1000 Sachet 1 ‘S
Calcee 1000 Sachet 1 ‘S is prescribed to treat deficiencies of Calcium,Vitamin D,Vitamin C and B9
Calcee 1000 Sachet 1 ‘S may also be prescribed to treat diseases like osteomalacia,hypoparathyroidism and rickets in children
Calcee 1000 Sachet 1 ‘S is safe to be prescribed to adults and children as well
Calcee 1000 Sachet 1 ‘S is to be taken orally (via mouth) once daily.Calcee 1000 Sachet 1 ‘S comes in a powdered formant that needs to be dissolved in water before ingestion
A box of Calcee 1000 Sachet 1 ‘S containing 10 sachets comes packaged together in a box
Additional information
Type | Sachet |
Feature | 1 'S |
Unit | 'S |
Formula | Calcium carbonate |
Composition | Calcium Lactate-gluconate 1000 mg / 1 ml + Calcium carbonate 327 mg / 1 ml + Vitamin C 500 mg / 1 ml |
Brand | Wilson's Pharma |
Prescription Required | No |