Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml

Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml is prescribed to treat stomach problems such as heartburn,acidity and similar illnesses

Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml may also be prescribed to infants for gastroesophageal reflux 

Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml is safe to be prescribed to adults and children as well

Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml is to be taken orally (via mouth)

Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml is to be ingested under doctor’s advisement



{{Product}} belongs to the category of medicine also known as probiotic. {{Product}} is commonly used for the improvement and treatment of gut barrier impairment. {{Product}} has also been advised to patients in several conditions to prevent infections, treatment of nasal allergies, and upper respiratory infections in children. It is also prescribed for acute or chronic diarrhea, and small intestine bacterial growth.

{{Product}} is also known to not cause any harm to pregnant or lactating women and is advised as safe to be ingested under the care and supervision of a doctor. {{Product}} consists of probiotics that contain living microorganisms that cause benefits to the body when applied. These can be naturally found in yogurt, and other fermented foods, dietary supplements, and beauty products.

{{Product}} is not known to cause any adverse effects commonly, however, a few patients may experience a few effects such as rashes or urticaria, which happens very rarely. {{Product}} is advised to not be taken by patients who may have an allergy to the components of the medicine.  


{{Product}} can be used to treat: 

  • Acute or chronic diarrhea 
  • Prevention of infections 
  • Treatment of nasal allergies 
  • Upper respiratory infections (children)
  • Gut barrier impairment 
  • Small intestine bacteria growth 

How Does {{Product}} Work 

 {{Product}} consists of probiotics that contain living microorganisms that cause benefits to the body when applied. {{Product}} is commonly used for the improvement and treatment of gut barrier impairment. 

How To Use {{Product}} 

Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml is to be ingested orally and can be diluted with water, orange juice, tea, or milk. 


Children Dosage 

1-2 bottles daily. 

Infants: 1-2 bottles daily with regular intervals of 3-4 hours.

During antibiotic therapy, medicine can be taken between one dose of antibiotic and the next. 

Adult Dosage 

2-3 bottles daily. 

Pregnancy Use And Lactation

{{Product}} has shown no risks or harm to pregnant women and is advised safe to be ingested under the care and supervision of a doctor.

{{Product}} is advised as safe to be ingested by the nursing mother and should be done so under the prescription of a doctor. 


Please tell your doctor if you have a history of any of the following before using Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components. 


Please inform your doctor about the following before consuming Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components 

Interactions With Other Medicines


Adverse Effects 

Common Effects 

  • Rash

Rare Effects

  • Urticaria

How To Cope-Up With Some Adverse Effects 

Skin Rash – Can be eased by applying soothing and healing lotions or creams such as calamine lotion/cream. Apply a cold compress to the rash helps reduce itchiness and redness caused by the rash. Antihistamine (prescribed by a doctor) is also recommended as an effective way to combat any skin rash. 

Key Points 

  • {{Product}} is supposed to be consumed for a short period. 
  • The contents of the medicines can be taken as they are or diluted with water, milk or tea, or orange juice. 
  • Lactating women can use medicine but under the care of a doctor. 


Q1. HOW TO STORE Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml?

Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml is to be kept away from the reach of children, in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight and humidity as that tends to ruin certain drugs.

Q2. WHAT IF I TAKE TOO MUCH OF Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml?

 An extra dose or two of Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml is not known to cause any harm but excess ingestion of Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml is a cause for concern and should be avoided

Q3. WHAT IF I MISS A DOSE OF Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml?

If you miss a dose of the medication, make sure you take it as soon as possible on that same day. If you don’t remember you missed the dose until the next dosage time or the next day, do not double the dose and take your medication as per schedule.

Q4. WILL Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml AFFECT MY SEXUAL ACTIVITY?

No, there isn’t sufficient evidence to suggest that patients experience a decrease in libido.

Q5. Can I Take Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml During My Pregnancy?

Yes,Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml is deemed safe to be ingested during pregnancy under the care and supervision of a medical professional.

Q6. WILL Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml AFFECT MY FERTILITY??

No,  there isn’t sufficient evidence to suggest that patients experience a decrease in fertility

Q7. DOES Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml CAUSE ADDICTION?

No. This drug has shown no evidence to prove addiction of any kind in any patient. 


Enterogermina 2B Suspension 5 ml is prescribed to be consumed for 2-3 weeks or as advised by your doctor.


Additional information


Suspension – Syrup






Bacillus Clausii


Bacillus Clausii



Prescription Required
