Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S

Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S is prescribed in patients with decreased thyroid activity(hypothyroidism). 

Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S contains Levothyroxine Sodium/Thyroxine Sodium as an active ingredient.

Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S to be taken orally usually once daily on an empty stomach ( around 30 minutes to 1 hour before breakfast) or as directed by your doctor.

Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S should be continued until consulted by your doctor.



The thyroid is a gland in the human body responsible for the proper and effective functioning of the heart, body temperature, metabolism, brain development, and the digestive system. The thyroid gland can perform these multitudes of duties by releasing hormones such as T3 and T4. A decrease in the release of these hormones, caused by various illnesses and/or tumors can disrupt the everyday workings of the human body; Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S is designed to cover up for this decrease and ensure the health of patients suffering from hypothyroidism.

A tablet a day is the most commonly prescribed dose; it’s advised to be ingested a minimum of 30 minutes before breakfast or any caffeinated beverage. Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S is to be ingested whole (without crushing or breaking the tablet in half) orally (by mouth), with plenty of water to help the passage of the medicine into the throat.

Dosage of Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S tends to be different for each patient as it’s entirely dependent upon the patient’s needs, age and weight. Blood tests are conducted periodically to monitor the levels of thyroxine in patients throughout the treatment and accordingly, the dosage may increase or decrease. Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S is safe to be prescribed to children as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Nausea, fatigue, headache, and stomach problems are just a few of the common side effects felt by patients while ingesting Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S, these effects tend to resolve on their own in a few days. Patients taking drugs such as oral contraceptives, blood thinners, and Iron or Calcium supplements are advised to inform their physicians before starting treatment with Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S as these drugs are known to react with Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S negatively.


Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S can be used to treat:

  • Hypothyroidism 

How Does Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S Work

Thyroxine is one of the hormones produced by the Thyroid gland. Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S has been synthesized to mimic the Thyroxine made by the human body and therefore help bring up decreased thyroxine levels.

How To Use Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S

A tablet a day is the most commonly prescribed dose; it’s advised to be ingested a minimum of 30 minutes before breakfast or any caffeinated beverage. Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S is to be ingested whole (without crushing or breaking the tablet in half) orally (by mouth), with plenty of water to help the passage of the medicine into the throat.

Dosage of Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S tends to be different for each patient as it’s entirely dependent upon the patient’s needs, age and weight. Blood tests are conducted periodically to monitor the levels of thyroxine in patients throughout the treatment and accordingly, the dosage may increase or decrease.

If you miss a dose of the medication, make sure you take it as soon as possible on that same day. If you don’t remember you missed the dose until the next day, do not double the dose and take your medication as per schedule as that will lead to serious adverse effects. If this happens very often, try setting an alarm as a reminder.


Adult Dosage

A tablet a day is the commonly prescribed dosage. The dosage might alter from person to person depending upon their illness, age, weight, and any side effects that might bother them.

Child Dosage

Dosage for patients aged 18 years and below is determined by a physician and might alter from person to person depending upon their illness, age, weight, and any side effects that might bother them.

Elderly Dosage 

A lowered dosage might be prescribed to patients with heart, liver, or kidney impairment.

Pregnancy Use And Lactation

Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S is deemed safe to be prescribed to pregnant as well as lactating women.

Dosage for pregnant and lactating women is to be determined by their physician depending on each patient’s weight, age, symptoms, and side effects that might bother the patient. Regular tests such as blood tests to monitor levels of thyroxine may be conducted throughout the pregnancy.


Please tell your doctor if you have a history of any of the following before using Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S:

  • Allergic reaction to Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S or any other drug or ingredient
  • Hyperthyroidism 
  • Moderate to severe Adrenal gland disease/impairment 
  • Moderate to severe Heart disease/impairment 
  • Moderate to severe Pituitary gland disease/impairment 
  • Hypertension 
  • History of Heart surgery 
  • Diabetes 


Please tell your doctor if you have a history of any of the following before using Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S:

  • Elderly patients 
  • Mild to moderate Adrenal gland disease/impairment
  • Mild to moderate Heart disease/impairment 
  • Osteoporosis 
  • Patients suffering from hair loss
  • Anemia 
  • Epileptic patients 

Interactions With Other Medications

Please tell your doctor about the use of the following before using Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S:

  • Antiepileptic medicines (such as Phenytoin)
  • Rifampicin
  • Amiodarone 
  • Oral contraceptives pills
  • Hormonal replacement therapy 
  • Insulin 
  • Blood thinners (such as Warfarin)
  • Iron supplements or drugs containing Iron 
  • Calcium supplements or drugs containing Calcium 
  • Orlistat 
  • Antacids 
  • Sucralfate
  • Cholesterol-lowering drugs
  • Biotin 
  • Kelp

Adverse Effects

Common Adverse Effects

Like most medicines Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S has certain side effects which include:

  • Stomach problems (such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting)
  • Headaches 
  • Muscle cramps 
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue 

These effects tend to be mild and resolve in a few days of taking Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S.

Rare Adverse Effects

If any of the following adverse effects are seen or felt the patient is advised to immediately contact their doctor

  • Mood swings 
  • Increase in sweat 
  • Bone fractures 
  • Behavioural changes 

How To Cope With Some Of The Adverse Effects

  • Fatigue- Patients experiencing this adverse effect, are advised to take deep breaths to take tea or coffee, get a good night’s rest, and not overburden themselves for a few days.
  • Headaches- In which case make sure you rest and drink plenty of fluids. Avoid the use of alcohol. Take a prescribed painkiller. Consult your doctor if the headaches last longer than a week or are severe
  • Feeling or being sick (nausea or vomiting) or diarrhea –Avoid eating rich or spicy food. It might help to take medication after food. If you’re sick, try drinking small, frequent sips of water.
  • Muscular Aches And Pains- A hot or cold compress can be placed at the area of discomfort to bring relief; an over-the-counter pain reliever such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can be ingested to bring ease as well. Avoid high-intensity exercise while suffering from muscular pain.
  • Hair Loss- To combat hair loss caused by medicines, patients are advised to ingest supplements prescribed by a physician to help with the regrowth of hair. The pumpkin seed oil has also been shown to improve hair growth


#1. How To Store Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S?

Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S is to be kept away from the reach of children, In a cool dry place away from direct sunlight and humidity as that tends to ruin certain drugs.

#2. What If I Take Too Much Of Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S?

In case of too much consumption by accident, kindly contact your doctor or nearby hospital right away. The amount of medication that can result in severe side effects varies from person to person. An overdose results in slowing down of heart rate and difficulty breathing accompanied by dizziness and fainting spells.

#3. What If I Miss A Dose Of Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S?

If you miss a dose of the medication, make sure you take it as soon as possible on that same day. If you don’t remember you missed the dose until the next dosage time or the next day, do not double the dose and take your medication as per schedule.

#4. How Is Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S Supposed To Be Taken?

Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S is available in tablet format and is meant to be ingested whole without crushing or breaking the tablet in two; with plenty of water to ease the passage of Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S into the patient’s throat.

#5. Can I Take Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S During My Pregnancy?

Yes, Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S is deemed safe to be ingested during pregnancy under the care and supervision of a medical professional.

#6. What Are Common Side Effects Caused By Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S?

  • Stomach problems (such as nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting)
  • Headaches 
  • Muscle cramps 
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue 

#7. What Lab Tests Will Be Prescribed While Treatment With to Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S And How Often?

The physician is likely to periodically (every 3-4 months) prescribe lab tests to monitor the patient’s blood thyroxine levels, blood glucose levels, kidney functions, liver functions, and blood pressure levels.

#8. Is It Safe To Have Painkillers While Taking Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S?

Yes. Over-the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol are safe to be ingested along with Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S under the supervision of a doctor.

#9. Is It Safe To Have Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S Along With Oral Contraceptives?

Not all oral contraceptives are safe to be taken while undergoing treatment with Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S as certain oral contraceptives (birth control pills) may negatively interact with Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S.

#10. Is It Safe To Have Antacids For Indigestion Along With Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S?

No. As certain antacids containing Calcium, Magnesium, and/or Aluminum may interact with the absorption of Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S by the body.

#11. Is It Safe To Take Cholesterol Medicines Along With Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S?

Certain cholesterol medications increase the retention of cholesterol medication in the body, it is advised to consult a doctor before taking any other medication along with Thyronorm 25mcg Tablet 30 ‘S.



Additional information








Levothyroxine Sodium/Thyroxine Sodium


Levothyroxine Sodium/Thyroxine Sodium 25 mcg


Abbott Laboratories

Prescription Required
