Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S

Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is prescribed to treat various bacterial infections 

Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S contains Ofloxacin

Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is to be taken orally (via mouth)

Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is to be ingested under doctor’s advisement 

Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is prescribed to individuals aged 18 years and above

Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is to be used only when necessary and for a specific number of days

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Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S belongs to a group of chemicals known as antibiotics and works tirelessly in the body to eliminate illnesses such as sinus infections,pharyngitis,pneumonia and other lung infections as well as skin,stomach and uncomplicated urinary tract infections.

Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is to be ingested orally (by mouth) once or twice daily or as directed by the doctor.It is advised to have Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S with food if it causes an upset stomach.If Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is to be taken more than once in a day,the patient is advised to take the doses at the same time each day keeping an 6 or 8-12 hour gap in between each dose.

If you miss a dose of the medication, make sure you take it as soon as possible on that same day.If you don’t remember you missed the dose until the next dose time or next day,do not double the dose and take your medication as per schedule.Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is to be ingested for a specific number of days determined by the physician depending on the patient’s illness and their response to treatment.It is imperative not to stop Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S earlier than the specified time as that may lead to a return of the infection.

Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is considered unsafe to be prescribed to children,pregnant and to lactating mothers as well.Certain medications such as anticoagulants,NSAIDS and diuretics tend to interact negatively with Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S and therefore it is advised to not have these medications along with Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S.It is advised to ingest Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S atleast 4 hours before or after ingesting any drug or vitamins.Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S may cause stomach problems,headaches and fatigue,these symptoms last a few days and tend to resolve on their own.Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is not to be ingested longer than the prescribed time.


Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S can be used to treat:

  • Sinus infections 
  • Lung infections 
  • Pneumonia 
  • Skin infections 
  • Stomach infections 
  • Urinary tract infections 

How Does Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S Work

{{product} belongs to a wide spread chemical group known as antibiotics.Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S works by preventing the growth/multiplication of the bacteria in the human body thus eradicating the infection.

How To Use Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S

Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is to be ingested orally (by mouth) twice or thrice,daily or as directed by the doctor.It can be ingested either with or without food.The patient is advised to take each dose at the same time each day keeping a 6 or 8-12 hour gap in between each dose.Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is available in tablet form.

If you miss a dose of the medication, make sure you take it as soon as possible on that same day.If you don’t remember you missed the dose until the next dose time or next day,do not double the dose and take your medication as per schedule.Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is to be ingested for a specific number of days determined by the physician depending on the patient’s illness and their response to treatment.It is imperative not to stop Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S earlier than the specified time as that may lead to a return of the infection.


Adult Dosage

Commonly a tablet a day is prescribed but in certain cases,doctor’s might also ask the patient to ingest two tablets a day keeping a 6-8 hour gap between each dose.

Child Dosage

Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is not safe to be prescribed to patients aged younger than 18 years 

Elderly Dosage 

Elderly patients that are susceptible to kidney and liver problems,a lowered dose of Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S may be prescribed under the care and supervision of a physician.

Pregnancy Use And Lactation

Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is deemed unsafe to be prescribed to pregnant and breastfeeding women.If you are undergoing treatment with Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S and become pregnant,inform your doctor immediately,the doctor will ask you to stop using Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S.


Please tell your doctor if you have a history of any of the following before using Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S:

  • Allergic reaction to Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S or any other drug or ingredient
  • Allergic reaction to Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S or any other drug or ingredient
  • Moderate to high heart illnesses
  • Uncontrolled diabetes 
  • Myasthenia gravis 
  • Seizures 
  • Moderate to high liver diseases 
  • Moderate to high kidney diseases 
  • Pregnant woman 
  • Lactating women 
  • Children 


Please tell your doctor about any of the following conditions before using Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S

  • Mild to moderate heart illnesses 
  • Mild to moderate liver impairment
  • Mild to moderate kidney impairment
  • Edema of hands,face,feet or throat 
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Elderly patients 

Interactions With Other Medications

Please tell your doctor about the use of the following before using Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S:

  • Corticosteroids
  • Anti-seizure drugs 
  • Antipsychotic drugs 
  • Heart medication 
  • Antidiabetic drugs 
  • Antacids 
  • Magnesium 
  • Zinc 
  • Sucralfate 
  • Iron supplements 
  • Blood thinners 

Adverse Effects

Common Adverse Effects

Like most medicines,Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S has certain side effects which include:

  • Headaches 
  • Fatigue
  • Stomach problems 
  • Dizziness 
  • Agitation 

These effects tend to be mild and resolve in a few days of taking Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S.

Rare Adverse Effects

If any of the following adverse effects are seen or felt,the patient is advised to immediately contact their doctor.

  • Seizures 
  • Numbness of hands and feet 
  • Severe diarrhea 
  • Tendon rupture 
  • Arrhythmias 
  • Joint pain

How To Cope With Some Of The Adverse Effects

  • Headaches– In which case make sure you rest and drink plenty of fluids. Avoid the use of alcohol. Take a prescribed painkiller. Consult your doctor if the headaches last longer than a week or are severe.
  • Feeling dizzy (lightheaded) or weak -If the medication makes you feel dizzy or weak, stop what you’re doing and sit or lie down until you feel better and do not rise too fast or immediately from a sitting or lying down position to a standing posture. Do not drive or use tools or machinery in case of any of these effects.
  • Flatulence- Can be eased by consuming smaller,more frequent meals that don’t trigger your flatulence.Getting a minimum of 30 minutes of daily exercise has shown great results in combating flatulence.
  • Feeling or being sick (nausea or vomiting) or diarrhoea –Avoid eating rich or spicy food. It might help to take medication after food. If you’re sick, try drinking small, frequent sips of water. If you have diarrhoea, replenish with plenty of water or other fluids. 
  • Fatigue– Patients experiencing this adverse effect, are advised to take deep breaths,intake tea or coffee,get a good night’s rest and not to overburden themselves for a few days.

Key Facts About Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S

  • Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is an antibiotic used to treat lung,skin and sinus infections
  • Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is prescribed to patients aged 18 years and above 
  • Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is not safe to be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women 
  • Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is not to be ingested along with NSAIDS and antiseizure medications
  • Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S may cause stomach problems,headaches and fatigue 



Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is not deemed to be effective against viruses as Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is an antibiotic and therefore works on bacteria to eliminate bacterial infections.

#2.HOW TO STORE Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S?

Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is to be kept away from the reach of children,in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight and humidity as that tends to ruin certain drugs.

#3.WHAT IF I TAKE TOO MUCH OF Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S?

An extra dose or two of Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is not known to cause any harm but an excess ingestion of Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is a cause for concern and should be avoided and immediately reported to the doctor as it may lead to serious side effects such as fainting,breathlessness and irregular heartbeats.

#4.WHAT IF I MISS A DOSE OF Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S?

If you miss a dose of the medication, make sure you take it as soon as possible on that same day. If you don’t remember you missed the dose until the next dosage time or next day, do not double the dose and take your medication as per schedule.

#5.HOW IS Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S SUPPOSED TO BE TAKEN?

Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is to be ingested orally (by mouth) once daily or as directed by the doctor.It is advised to have Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S with food if it causes an upset stomach.If Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is to be taken more than once in a day,the patient is advised to take the doses at the same time each day keeping an 6 or 8-12 hour gap in between each dose.Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is available in tablet as well as in liquid form.

#6.HOW DOES Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S WORK?

{{product} belongs to a wide spread chemical group known as antibiotics.Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S works by preventing the growth/multiplication of the bacteria in the human body tus eradicating the infection.

#7.WILL Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S AFFECT MY SEXUAL ACTIVITY?

No,there isn’t sufficient evidence to suggest that patients experience a decrease in libido.

#8.CAN I TAKE Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S DURING MY PREGNANCY?

No,Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S is deemed unsafe to be ingested during pregnancy under the care and supervision of a medical professional.


  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Changes in sense of taste
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headaches 


Kidney and liver function tests along with blood tests to keep check on serum potassium levels are advised to be done periodically along with an occasional ECG test to monitor the OT intervals of a beating heart.


Yes.Over the counter painkillers such as paracetamol (not ibuprofen) are safe to be ingested along with Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S under the supervision of a doctor.


Yes.There is no evidence to suggest that Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S interacts with oral contraceptives.


No.As certain antacids containing magnesium and/or aluminum may interact with the absorption of Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S by the body and are therefore advised to be ingested a minimum of 2 hours before the intake of Oflobid 200mg Tablet 10 ‘S.

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Ofloxacin 200 mg


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